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When are Water Softeners Necessary?

water softener system

When are Water Softeners Necessary?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA, plumbers teach homeowners about hard water and water softeners.

Learning How to Identify Hard Water

Hard water is a common water quality problem that can cause problems for a home’s plumbing. Around the US, nearly 85% of homes have some level of hardness present in their water. But, what exactly is hard water?

Hard water is water with a high amount of minerals dissolved in it. Since most municipal water sources are surface reservoirs, like lakes, the water picks up minerals as it sits in the lake basin. When water is treated, pathogens are destroyed to make the water safe, but the mineral content stays the same to reduce the cost of large-scale municipal water softening. Luckily, homeowners can install water softeners to protect themselves and their plumbing from the complications of having hard water.

How Do Water Softeners Remove Hardness From Water?

Hardness refers to water with a high mineral count. The two minerals that contribute most to hardness in water are calcium and magnesium. While these two ions are too tiny to filter, they are big enough to cause some serious problems.

Water softeners remove the minerals from water through a process called ion exchange. Ion exchange uses a base substrate to capture hardness ions and remove them from water to make it soft. Every water softener has one tank for the substrate and one tank for brine water. Incoming water flows through the substrate to exchange ions, and when the substrate is full, it is flushed with brine water to recycle the substrate. The result is a continuous flow of softened water throughout the home.

Common Signs of Hard Water

Now that hard water has been defined, and the action of a water softener explained, why is hard water bad? Hard water can shorten the lifespan of pipes, appliances, and other plumbing fixtures. The minerals in hard water can also build up in the plumbing and cause diminished water pressure.

Water is good at dissolving substances, which makes it such a good substance for cleaning. The problem is that water can only dissolve a certain amount of anything it touches. When hardness minerals are present, the effectiveness of water is limited because it already holds so much mineral content. This leads to things like:

  • A film-like feeling on hands after they’ve been washed
  • Crusty, white mineral scale on fixtures and inside appliances
  • Dry skin and dull hair
  • Water spots on dishes after they’ve been washed
  • Water pressure issues

Reasons Why Whole Home Water Softeners are a Great Choice

Whether people desire more hydrated skin or want to make their plumbing last longer, a water softener is a great choice. Not only can a water softener fix the issues caused by hard water, but they are also easy to maintain and can save homeowners money. Some of the ways a water softener can save money are:

  • Increases the lifespan of plumbing and appliances, preventing the costs of premature replacements
  • Can reduce utility bills
  • Lessens the likelihood of plumbing problems that need repairs

About Rooter 66 Plumbing Inc.

Rooter 66 Plumbing Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with ten years of experience serving Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and the surrounding areas. They offer competitive pricing, extended hours, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for plumbing services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.