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Green Plumbing Tips for St. Patrick’s Day!

A man holding a miniature house.

Rialto, CA, plumbing experts discuss eco-friendly plumbing tips that help save money and the environment.

3 Easy Ways To Implement Green Plumbing Habits

With utility bills on the rise across the country, we can all use some relief for our wallets. Choosing eco-friendly appliances and practicing water-saving habits in the home is the first step to saving money and contributing to protecting the environment for the next generation. Mindful consumers that consciously choose to live life differently notice drastic differences in their quality of life.

Consider Eco-Friendly Appliances & Fixtures

Identify eco-friendly appliances by looking for the "Energy Star" sticker at the store. These appliances aim to reduce energy usage and water consumption to reduce the environmental impact of a household.

Examples of green appliances include:

  • Dishwasher
  • Clothing dryer
  • Washer
  • Oven
  • Refrigerator

Older appliances have been lauded because they "last forever,” according to many older homeowners, but older appliances drive up energy usage. Old appliances can drive up a single household’s utility bills by hundreds of dollars a year in wasted energy for one appliance.

Practice "Green" Habits 

How else can homeowners save money and reduce water consumption for the household?

  1. Check toilets for leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If the dye enters the tank without flushing, there could be a leak.
  2. Be mindful of what is flushed and how often. Flushing inorganic materials like cigarettes can waste gallons of water every day.
  3. Cut down shower time. Many Americans average 15-30 minute showers that use 5 to 10 gallons of water per minute.
  4. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Allowing the water to constantly run while brushing teeth wastes more water than most people think it does.
  5. Use dishwashers only when full. Most dishwashers use 25 gallons of water per load.
  6. Wash clothes in full loads only. A full washing cycle uses up to 35 gallons of water so running small loads is not eco-friendly.
  7. Water lawns during cool points of the day and allow full saturation of the grass to prevent waste and evaporation. Many homeowners make the mistake of watering the lawn only enough to sit on the top of the grass but not soak into the roots, so the heat takes the moisture away and wastes that water.

Flush Appropriate Items

Most of us know that we shouldn’t flush things like diapers because this clogs toilets but what else shouldn’t be flushed down the toilets at home?

  • Wipes.
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Cigarettes
  • Medications
  • Band-aids, floss, and hair.

Don’t flush wipes at all, even those marketed as flushable. The reason for this is that these are much denser and more absorbent than toilet paper, so they don’t degrade like toilet paper does, resulting in getting stuck in pipes.

About Rooter 66 Plumbing, Inc.

Rooter 66 Plumbing, Inc. provides quality service and flexible scheduling for customers in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and San Bernardino County. They have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and extended service hours so call today for service in Rialto, CA.